Lee Byron


I’m a huge fan of brew. I use it for installing a broad list of command line tools, as well as Mac apps. Most apps you use can be installed with brew install --cask. However, where I’ve found Brew most helpful is as a lightweight way to set up new computers with all the apps and utilities I rely on. To do this, I use Brewfile.

This is brew’s equivalent of a package.json or Gemfile, it’s just a list of all software that should be installed. To get started quickly run brew bundle and to learn more, see the Homebrew/homebrew-bundle repo.

However, keeping the Brewfile up to date as new things are installed does not happen automatically. Here are a few additional things I do:

The final result is that setting up a new machine with a list of apps I use is pretty easy, as is keeping that install base the same across a few computers I use. Brew alias makes it easy to keep everything correct.

For personal machines, this has been much more simple and useable than Vagrant, Ansible, or other more professional environment management tool.