Lee Byron

tilascii table

The ASCII 7-bit character encoding is ubiquitous1 and foundational to how computers talk to each other. It has an absolutely fascinating history that dates surprisingly far back. The ASCII standard started in 1963, and was iterated until 1986. ASCII was based on ITA2, a telegraph standard from 1924, which itself derived from Baudot code from 1870—literally the beginning of digital communication (the namesake for “baud” speed).

0x00 ⌃@ \0 ⌃PSpace0@P`p
0x01 ⌃A ⌃Q!1AQaq
0x02 ⌃B ⌃R"2BRbr
0x03 ⌃C ⌃S#3CScs
0x04 ⌃D ⌃T$4DTdt
0x05 ⌃E ⌃U%5EUeu
0x06 ⌃F ⌃V&6FVfv
0x07 ⌃G \a ⌃W'7GWgw
0x08 ⌃H \b ⌃X(8HXhx
0x09 ⌃I \t ⌃Y)9IYiy
0x0A ⌃J \n ⌃Z*:JZjz
0x0B ⌃K \v ⌃[ \e+;K[k{
0x0C ⌃L \f ⌃\,<L\l|
0x0D ⌃M \r ⌃]-=M]m}
0x0E ⌃N ⌃^.>N^n~
0x0F ⌃O ⌃_/?O_o ⌃?

Other fun facts about ASCII:

  1. These days it’s really UTF-8 thats ubiquitous.