Lee Byron

tilmac screenshot

Mac has some keyboard shortcuts for capturing your screen via an app called “Screenshot.”

By default all screenshots are saved to the Desktop. To keep your Desktop from becoming a junk drawer, I highly recommend saving them in some other dedicated location. I personally create a folder called “Screenshots” that I put at the top level of my Dropbox folder. If you don’t use Dropbox, consider a folder in your home directory.

Open the Screenshot app and in the bar that appears click “Options”, and under the “Save to” heading choose “Other Location” and choose or create the dedicated folder. Afterwards, I recommend adding your Screenshots folder to your Finder’s sidebar for quick access.

While you’re at it, take a look at the other options. I like to disable “Show Floating Thumbnail” since that feature delays saving the screenshot to disk for a number of seconds.

Alternatively, you can use the defaults terminal command:

defaults write com.apple.screencapture location "~/Dropbox/Screenshots"

To make sure it worked (and check your other settings):

defaults read com.apple.screencapture

Screenshot.app Options

  1. Or you can open it directly via Finder. It’s in /Applications/Utilities and called “Screenshot.app”