Lee Byron

tilmarkdown footnotes

Much like markdown link references, footnotes are defined in one place and referenced in another, but it doesn’t matter where the footnote is defined, they’ll always be collected at the end of the document in the order in which they are referenced1.

Footnotes are created similar to shortcut reference links, but the identifier starts with a ^.

order in which they are referenced[^a-note].

A footnote definition is formatted exactly like link reference definitions2: in a box followed by a comma.

[^a-note]: Despite footnotes appearing numbered, the identifier can be any text.
This is helpful if you may add more notes later and don't want to be bothered to
reorder them.
  1. Despite footnotes appearing numbered, the identifier can be any text. This is helpful if you may add more notes later and don’t want to be bothered to reorder them.

  2. Unlike a link reference definition, a footnote definition needs an empty line immediately after it, otherwise content from multiple lines is joined into a single paragraph.